Working time:Monday - Friday: 08 AM - 06 PM

Contact us:(Toll Free) 18001805150, +91-8808-069-992


To evolve as one of the finest education colleges which gives quality teachers.


Our mission is to prepare teachers who -

  • Promoted ignity, essential goodness and freedom of all human being.
  • Are ready to integrate, theoretical and practical knowledge in the understanding and resolution of professional issues.
  • would work as an active agent in the development of citizens who believe in the nation's strength.
  • Are constructive, self motivated and ready to face the challenges of globalisation.
  • Are capable of recognising the creative ability of students and have the potential to motivate them for creative exploration.


Let children creative and make a different

About us

Abhinav Group of Institutions has been established to create benchmark in the field of education with firm belief in promotion of education as a profession. Our primary approach is to impart education and research in the emerging field of education by using scientific tools and proved methodologies.

We believe that “ A good teacher has infinite potential to effect the future ; he can never tell where his influence will impact our world”….. with his belief we strive to provide excellence in education with highest standard.

Our holistic approach towards education is to make long lasting impact on academics. We believe in promotion of studies and research in emerging aspects of education.“ Excellence in Standards” is the belief on which we have directed all efforts and will always move towards the same direction.

In our college, we encourage our students to communicate in which insinuates confidence in expressions of thoughts and identifying the underlying talent of the pupils. We direct our efforts in taking up their interests and nurture them to become self motivated and focus on achieving the desired goal.



The professional standards and expectations

Dr. S.N. Srivastava


Mr. R. C. Dwivedi

Chairman (AGOI)

Dr. Prashant Srivastava


Ms. Ruchita Omar

College Coordinator


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